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This is not a sad post

Someone that I do not know, her name is Hadley, (I found this: collected a box of goodies for me. I know her name mostly because it was in the vintage Cinderella book that I read to Søren a few nights ago. She is the daughter of a man who is a friend of my mom. Hadley lives in New Zealand but grew up near where we live. I do not understand the entire story, but the box contains children's books, CDVs, photograph albums with tin types &c, daguerrotypes, autograph books &c. Yes, a TRUE box of treasures. 

So this morning I picked up a little book that says ALBUM upon the cover and thought of my Scrapplings project (from 2010) that hasn't yet taken shape (if you are reading this (does anyone read my sparse blog?!) and you set me a Scrapplings package, I still have every one and DO plan to finish this before I die) which will be a collection of collages created from the teeny tiny scraps found on the floors of artist's studios. Anyway, I stray. I was looking at this book then flipped through the pages dated 1880. So many silly words in fine penmanship, somehow securing relationships, and not unlike Facebook or any number of friend collections, simply, a way for humans to declare their existence to others. So weird. Because in not a very long period of time most of these words and photographs will be completely disconnected. If we are lucky some artist will find our remains (scrapplings) and make something new out of them, whilst still hanging on to some tiny taste of the past. 

And then a letter arrives from Katie ( you can get one too: ) that made it all worse. Or the same as always. (For I cannot go back far enough into my life where there is not a memory of the wonder of time) (The moment Silas was born tears welled in my eyes, this was the picture that immediately found me: Søren and Silas, two olde men in rocking chairs on an olde porch talking. I was sad because clearly, I was dead and not with them. Silas was seconds olde and my little brain took me to the end!)

But this isn't sad, though sadness does visit. This just is. And what we do, we just gather. We make new things and try to keep it simple. Simple? Well, 


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