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A Ramble About Making Little Clay Pots Inside a Gigantic Clay Pot!

Cara Graver's Chester Springs Cob Studio

Cara Graver's Cob Studio - Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

“Who in the world am I?” Ah, that’s the great puzzle.’
–from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Outside walls of Cara Graver's Cob Studio in Chester Springs
Interior of Cara Graver's Cob Studio in Chester Springs
My introduction to clay was inside of this big yellow clay pot!
Cara Graver’s Cob Studio, a time traveling adventure.

I used to drive around and explore flea markets, find abandoned houses, and take photographs with a heavy Hasselblad that hung around my neck and bruised my chest. I had a car full of props and costumes, and bags for collecting abandoned house treasures like dresses, photographs, and letters. I didn’t count minutes or hours – I just sang and let the wind move through me as I drove. I’d drop off film and wait a week or more to pick it up – the time between was for thinking. Returning to the camera shop for my 12 square prints and negatives filled me with wild anticipation and gratification for the ongoingness.

This pacing of days somehow became a forgotten, foggy past – until I found clay and Cara’s studio. I began with directions that didn’t lead to the right road in the woods. I wandered amongst tulip poplars in the wintry dimness, looking for an oversized handmade pot, where the ‘open studio’ that I signed up for was about to commence.

When I found it, everything quieted. The ‘building’ was yellow and otherworldly – out of a book, another time, or imagination. As I do, I wandered around, taking it all in with an abundance of questions and shutter clicks. Inside, there were no corners. Diffused light poured in through reclaimed windows, each a different size and each with a deep windowsill. The wood-burning stove cut the chill in the air – I could have stayed for days.

I chose a seat, and got to clay-ing.

After the making was the waiting. As I returned the next week to pick up my fired treasures, I was reminded of the days when I used to drive around and explore flea markets, find abandoned houses, and take photographs with a heavy Hasselblad that hung around my neck and bruised my chest.

Interior of Cara Graver's Cob Studio in Chester Springs Interior of Cara Graver's Cob Studio in Chester Springs

Interior of Cara Graver's Cob Studio in Chester Springs Interior of Cara Graver's Cob Studio in Chester Springs

Chickens outside of Cara Graver's Cob Studio in Chester Springs Compostable Toilet at Cara Graver's Cob Studio in Chester Springs


Things I Made Whilst at Cara's Place 


Plate with Wolf Made by Margaux Kent
Clay Vessels for paint by Margaux Kent
Plate with Wolf! 
Vessels for paint 
Fuzzy Tear with Teeth Clay Stamp by Margaux Kent
Clay Inkwell made by Margaux Kent
Fuzzy Tear with Teeth Clay Stamp

On My Desk, Sendak for Clay

Peg and Awl Waxed Canvas Artist Roll


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